Gibbs group North America is pleased to announce the new Cup brush sander from Gibbs-Sandtech in Great Brittan.
The Gibbs Cup Brush Sealer Sander’s impressive size and robust construction show its ability to perform both the most delicate of sealer-sanding and general sanding tasks and will offer its users:
Jefferson, GA
Gibbs Group NA is an extension of Gibbs-Sandtech Ltd. based out of the UK. Our personnel have been working with the factory for a number of years to bring North America the best equipment possible in its space. Combined we have over 75 years’ experience in the woodworking industry.
As we design and build all our machines in house, we are capable of producing solutions for you whether that be through our standard line of products or ones that are custom built to best fit your needs.
The ST Wheels sand and seal MDF edges and are comprised of a combination of resins impregnated with abrasive of various grits.
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